something in between

I haven't worked on any projects for awhile. I basically lost something I had that kept me busy in the past. I was busy learning for sure. And I was really busy with just pivoting on what direction I should focus on based on the market I could see at time. I had to change things up too depending on what gear I had access to and how much money I had to spend on equipment or trips. Basically, I powered down once I admitted to myself that the narrow bands of paid photography that are left will not be enough to ever sustain a full time career.

I'm not bitter about the iphone and the ultimate devaluation of photos and music. You can't stop progress. The photos I took on vacation on my iphone, actually, are higher resolution than most of my older photos taken on my first DSLR and the convenience compared to the medium format Hasselblad 500C film I've been using is incomparable. 

I don't know if it will ever be something to make a living with again but I think I'll continue. Ideas bubble up and fizzle out without a deadline or a paycheque so there's a piece missing still that would keep things interesting and moving. It's not a cheap thing to do but it's beautiful and lasting. I imagine everything I make an effort to create now will be a physical object rather than just a digital showcase. So, things will be slow. But, who can deny the quality that comes out of a lifetime of effort?

I want to have a place to share little bits here and there that isn't a social media platform that is getting bought or sold or folded up so this is that. All in one place.